This is a form of life insurance that can provide financial stability to your family if you pass away or become critically ill.
A lump sum or an income can be paid out from this life insurance policy providing financial security if you lose someone who contributes financially to your monthly expenditure.
Mortgage protection is designed to payy off your mortgage in the event of you passing away or becoming critically ill. This can mean that your family can live in the property without the financial burden of the mortgage.
Income protection provides a regular income if you are unable to work due to accident or illness.
This is a welcomed safety net allowing you to keep up with your regular expenditure & lifestyle costs.
Provides a lump sum of money if you are diagnosed with a specified critical illness such as Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke, Brain Tumour or MS.
This money can be used to clear a debt such as a mortgage, to pay regular expenditure or even fund private treatment.
Shareholder/Partnership Protection are policies put into place by businesses to allow the surviving shareholders to purchase the shares from the spouse of the deceased Director in the event of death, or from the Director if he wishes to exit the business upon diagnosis of a critical illness. This type of policy helps business owners keep control of their company if one of the owners dies or becomes critically ill.
Key Person Cover allows you to protect your business from the financial impact of losing a key employee (including owners/managers), whose death or illness would have a significant impact on the financial position of the business.
A tax efficient way for Directors of limited companies to arrange life insurance that can be paid through their limited company.
Any benefits from the life insurance will be paid upon death of diagnosis of a terminal business to the life assureds estate.
Loan protection can be used to pay off company debt in the event of a key individual within a business passing away or becoming critically ill.
Pride Protect Ltd is an appointed representative of PRIMIS Mortgage Network, a trading name of First Complete Limited. First Complete Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
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Registration number - 12479071